From: The Desk of a Clan Clashing pro Dear future Clan Clasher, You and I both know this… Clash of Clans is a sinkhole of time! If you have no idea what you’re doing, you’ll be blindly wasting your time just to realize there are other players out there steamrolling you for your resources; wasting the time you spent accumulating that gold and elixir! Have you seen what some of these players are capable of? How are they capable of attacking so often, upgrading so many buildings and still manage to survive a hail of attacks in Clash of Clans?
Right now, as you’re reading this, you’ve probably realized that Clash of Clans is not your ordinary game app. You now know that the game is huge and you’re not going to be able to get anywhere in any reasonable amount of time. You think that to level at a decent pace you’ll need to be in-game nearly 24 hours a day. You think that it will impede on your social life or job. You think you’ll eventually get higher ranked someday. I’ve got news for you… Someday never comes when nothing changes! You’re probably committed to thinking that you’ll get higher level eventually and you can just take your time building and slowly upgrading your clan’s base, army and defenses. But the sad truth is…
Trust me… I’ve wasted hours saving Gold just to upgrade my Town Hall, gotten attacked and lost half of everything I owned. I got it upgraded eventually, but costly mistakes take forever to recover from. I’ve been there and I know that much. What if I told you that you can spend minimal time, deciding which structures to upgrade first, knowing exactly what you need to do with your gold every time, doubling, even tripling your progress in the same amount of time it would take for other players?I’m about to tell you the story which changed the way I viewed Clash of Clans forever… I started playing Clash of Clans on my iPhone about a year ago when it first launched in its beta phase. Back then, there were no guides and even less information out and the game was constantly changing due to the buffs and nerfs to units/buildings and whatnot. And it was fun… Read more…