I’m Jorge Yao, the first player to reach 4000, 4100 and 4200 trophies in Clash of Clans. I’ve also maintained the #1 spot in the Clash of Clans official rankings for 6 straight months since January 2013. What you’re about to discover, is exactly how I did it and how you can copy what I did, to get the same results.
Have you ever set your alarm clock, at wee hours of the morning to go off, just so that you can assign a new task to your builder so no time is wasted? Do you get frustrated, when all that elixir you were going to train your troops with gets stolen from you while you were asleep?
The reason you’re reading this is because you realize by now that Clash of Clans isn’t your run of the mill iPhone App. You probably think that to level and compete against others; you’ll need to invest a huge chunk of your monthly income. You think it may impede on your social life or job. You think you’ll get there someday.Someday is a dangerous word. It’s really just code for never. You’re committed to thinking that leveling is something that occurs naturally. You’re locked into the mindset that as long as you slowly upgrade your base’s defenses, you’ll grow enough to take on other players. The sad truth is…
Trust me… The time I spent researching, while at home, at work, even on my phone come up to weeks of research when put together. I was at the #1 spot for 6 months in a row, think about all the numerous patches that I’ve been through, adapting to each update to not only maintain my position, but to strengthen my hold of it. What I’m saying is… I’ve been there and I know what’s needed to succeed. What if I told you that you can spend minimal time, never have to open your wallet, knowing exactly what to do at each ranking tier, doubling or tripling your progress in the same amount of time it would usually take?
When I first started Clash of Clans there was no information about the game. It was buggy as heck, and everyone was simply stumbling around making a mess of the game. No one knew the mechanics at… Read more…