Zhaf Guides are a set guides designed to help players master Starwars: The Old Republic. Zhaf Guides have detailed step by step instructions that teach you how to dominate at every aspect of Swtor. Zhaf Guides is the top rated and best-selling Swtor guide on the market today. Zhaf Guides contains detailed step by step instructions, charts, and screenshots that will give you an advantage at whatever you do, weather its Leveling Up, PVP, or PVE. We cover all classes for both factions, the Galactic Republic and The Sith Empire. Bioware designed many new unique features and concepts that most MMORPG players are not used to or aware of, our guides will quickly get you up-to speed with all these new elements so you can get a huge head start on all the other players. Zhaf Guides is literally the only tool you will need to Master Swtor and get a big head start on your epic journey though the galaxy.
Our SWTOR leveling guides were made so that you dont have to do any thinking just follow our step by step guides and you will level many times faster than before with little to no effort. We already did all the work for you, we found which quests are the best and how to complete them the quickest way. If you use Zhaf Guides you will fly from lvl 1-55 in a flash.
We have spent months of research developing our credit making strategies in SWTOR. Using our guides you can go from being flat out broke to one of the richest players on your server in a ridiculously short amount of time. We will show you precisely how you can easily copy our techniques to produce amazing credits earning results. We have spent outrageous amounts of time researching and testing these techniques so you dont have to, just follow our step by step credits guide and you will be well on your way to SWTOR Riches!PvP and PvE (end game content) are two of the most important and fun aspects of SWTOR. It takes tons of hours of research, practice, as well as trial and error to figure out what the best builds, items and gear are for your character and play style. We here at Zhaf Guides have spent months testing our proven and highly effective character builds that we perfected for every… Read more…